Midnight Writing

What to write about tonight!?  It was quite the interesting response I got when people found out I was writing again.  It was a mixture of people really excited to see what I was going to write about, and maybe a handful of people frightened that this may turn in to a Kleeman Report type thing.  Well have no fear!  I’ll explain what this is in the next paragraph.

My goal when I started this was not just to write an adult version of my previous “The Kleeman Report”.  Being that times have changed, and this is a LOT more public of a forum, obviously this will focus more on my thoughts and perceptions of all that’s going on NOW. Not so much on the inappropriate or scandalous stories from our past…or even our present.  A lot of those stories are best left where they are, although a lot are great fodder for writing, I think a few people involved would be upset for those to be brought back…on a regular basis.  I will, every now and then, put one up that’s safer and do a compare/contrast, which was kinda fun on the last post.  It’s funny to read what a version of yourself from 9 years ago wrote.  My group of friends, and I may be extremely biased, were, still am, will always be, the most interesting people I’ve ever come across.

The main motivation for writing this blog, is kind of documenting all that’s happening, throughout the next few years.  It’s quite the interesting time, in not only my life but the vast majority of my friends, family.  Getting married will be quite the entertaining read, well hopefully ha.  For those that are reading this and are married, you can understand the humor of how much certain things cost, for those not married yet and reading this, you can have a good laugh and perhaps consider eloping.

All joking aside, getting married is great, I’d recommend some do it once, some should twice.  Maybe stop at 3 or 4 though, it may not be for you at that point.  I’m glad I found the right person to get married to, and I do like that she believes that people shouldn’t rush in to things like marriage.  That’s no knock on some who may be reading this that got married quick, I just quite enjoy the stages of life, and being engaged is one.  Take your time on the engagement, by the time we’re married, we’ll have been engaged a year and a half.  Some take longer, some are Jason Segal.  It’s good to take life slow, because it moves so fast.

I’ll elaborate more on that in a future post, because tomorrow is Turkey Day.  Pretty excited, get to see family, eat some Turkey and hopefully watch the 9’ers beat the Seahawks.  They definitely must win that game, or no playoffs, although for the first time in 4 years, I can’t complain, they sucked for 9 straight years, where 7-9 was the best they did, those days were ROUGH. Also if I’m still writing this blog next year and Harbaugh is fired for some reason, feel free to ignore that blog, unless you’re a 9ers fan.

Definitely no Black Friday for me either.  I don’t know how people do it, people are crazy.  I think that’s the main takeaway from getting older.  People are NUTS.  Unless people are just getting worse.  That’d be an interesting discussion if anybody comments on this thing.  Seriously, just watching TV to reading the comment sections on websites, can definitely see a trend of people really sucking at life, speaking of which…

Avoiding scandalous topics like the plague, so I am avoiding my overall opinion on Ferguson, the only thing I’ll type is that it was an awful thing to happen, people reacted in a way that wasn’t for the best and hopefully things can be repaired someday.  What I will write about, are people I saw on social media writing just god awful comments and being borderline… let’s say questionable in some of the opinions they had on the subject… no good.  I’d like to think the majority of my generation don’t think that way, frighteningly a lot of things I read this week, I’m just not so sure.

On that note, that ends this report.  The next one will be a lot funnier, maybe some good stories from Turkey Day or the next few weeks which will have A LOT of awesome things happening.  Take care.

Jeff Kleeman

PS Watching the movie “Killing Them Softly” on Netflix…you’d think it’d be a lot more interesting, it’s really not.  It’s movie binge week, I’ve already watched 6 movies this week, with 4 days off in a row, there’s no telling how much I can watch!

2 thoughts on “Midnight Writing

  1. “America is not a country, it’s a business. So fuckin pay me.”
    That’s the only thing I took away from that boring movie, too. Cool thing that you’re living the Kleeman legacy of us being writers and getting back in to it!


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