Andy Kaufman

Well it’s been a week since I wrote my last blog.  And since that one was a bit on the dramatic side, I’m going to return to my roots, that’s right, it’s time for comedy and random observations!  Let’s do a top 10 list, then tomorrow night, I will do my “long awaited” article on why music is the best thing in the world.  To the list!

1. The Super Bowl next week is the WORST POSSIBLE SUPER BOWL EVER!  So if everyone isn’t already sick of hearing the Patriots using uninflated balls (insert ball joke here), now we get to root for the lesser of the two evil teams.  I like 2 Seahawks, Russell Wilson and Marshawn Lynch.  The rest, just irritate the shit out of me.  Great defense though, they haven’t been caught with Adderal in a while, so that’s good.  I also hate their cheating coach who took a college program at USC, built it up, only to find out they cheated, then he left.  But he has brought up stock in Wrigley gum, so that’s good.  On the other end are the Patriots, who supposedly cheat with lighter balls (again, insert joke) and had the Spy Gate thing just die down.  Also, if they win, they’ll overtake my beloved 49’ers as best dynasty ever (Cowboys and Steelers fans can argue, I say go for it).  And I just can’t have them overtaking them.

2. I got rid of cable this week, and I gotta tell you, living in the future makes it 10x easier to ditch it.  We have Netflix, Crackle, Amazon Prime, aps on the X Box all for roughly 20 bucks?  Maybe?  Thinking of adding the WWE Network this weekend (go ahead and judge, wait for my pro wrestling column, coming soon!).  So 30 bucks or 150… hmmmm.  Also, for those reading debating the switch, if you get a digital antennae, you get a good 15-20 channels and they come in clear, you can catch up on random shows, and there are super weird channels now like Grit and Me TV.  I swear it’s not bad, and in all honesty we should be reading more books anyway.

3. Number 1 and 2 are so wordy!  It’s like I’m ranting.  Do I rant too much?  Too little?  Eh.

4. Wedding planning is a blast, but the US Postal service SUCKS MAJOR ASS.  So our invites are homemade, and they are awesome.  They look no bigger than any random letter I’ve received ever…so you’d think maybe at most they’d be a stamp, maybe 2 stamps?  Nope, 2.30 A LETTER.  After this is done, get bent US Postal Service, I’ll be using more automatic payments, emails and Fed Ex.  So if you’re reading this, and you get our invite, be sure to send it back, cuz, yeah…. it cost more than two McChickens to send to you.

5. Earlier I brought up show binges, Netflix and Amazon Prime are great.  Recommendation time?  You got it!  So I’m watching The Americans Season 2, it’s amazing.  Breaking Bad on Netflix is the best show I’ve probably ever seen.  Also finishing up some 30 Rock due to Alex Baker’s recommendation (on a related note, damn you Alex Baker!).  So because of what he did for me, I’m going to write down a quick list of shows you should watch ASAP: Mad Men, Freaks and Geeks, Friday Night Lights (first show I binge watched on ther,e thanks Jacob McDonald), Californiacation, Parks and Recreation, House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, The IT Crowd and THE ONE OF THE BEST COMEDIES EVER, Arrested Development.

6. Since this football season was the worst ever (look at previous blogs for my thoughts on that) I am REALLY excited for baseball season.  The Mariners (yes I stuck with them) may be a playoff team, which is great.  The Cubs, who I will root for over my favorite team if there was a World Series, may be a lot of fun to watch, and there is far more parity in baseball than the NFL where it’s the same exact teams EVERY SINGLE YEAR.

7. In “what a bummer” news of the week, Heather and I were going to check out Linkin Park and Rise Against…only to find out the lead singer of Linkin Park broke his leg.  Man, just stand there and sing, that’d be badass.  So now I have to wait to see Rise Against and sadly Heather doesn’t get to hear a lot of Linkin Parks older stuff live.  On a related note, any good concerts coming this way?

8. This year is so BUSY, but really looking forward to all the weddings this year, I think 4 or 5?  Plus I hear I’m getting married in May…that, seeing everybody and the Honeymoon.  I literally can’t wait.  Literally.

9. Speaking of big news, there should be some big news being released pretty soon on something that our group does.  It’s easily going to make the next 3 that are planned a lot bigger, cooler, greaterer (it’s a word now).  Stay tuned

10. Anyone in the Lincoln area this weekend should know, Big Money Travis Ahlers is stopping down here Saturday so if anyone wants to come hang or have an adventure, you now how to contact us…I think.  And of course the Royal Rumble is this Sunday, and since I’m an adult and my childhood self would be pissed at me for not getting it, I’m ordering it, because it is awesome.  I always thought it’d be awesome if my friends had a Royal Rumble, it’d be so intriguing to see who would win, who would double cross who to win, it’d be an amazing watch.  If I was in it, I’d most likely be one of the first thrown out… or hide under the ring Ric Flair style the whole time…. a man can dream…

Jeff Kleeman

PS: Seriously, tomorrow will be a fun write up, it’s about music!  And Karl Reasoner taught me how to embed links so you can watch them from the comfort of this page.  I also had an idea to steal from Bill Simmons and do a mailbag, cuz I’ve had some topics sent to me that’d be funny to cover all in one write up.  Also look out for guest columnists on this, I have one lined up…and the other we’re waiting on is Aaron Pew.  How many times will he have the word “Vikings” in the column?  Oh and Google Andy Kaufman, this may be because Tony Clifton just favorited this on Twitter, but it’s worth it.

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