Allow Me to Introduce Myself


So it’s been over a week since I’ve written one of these, didn’t really think about it the last week honestly.  So busy, with New Years, work, wedding planning, starting that damn work out, so time consuming, so what will be my blog be about today you may ask?

Is it about not having time to do stuff because adult life halfway sucks and moves too fast?

HELL NO!  It’s about music!  Not about my love of music, I’ll save that for another day, but particularly I wanted to talk about introduction songs.

So for me and Heather’s wedding, we are having the people in the wedding choose introduction songs.  Seems like a really cool idea.  Also if are reading this and decide to use this idea, more power to you.

So I won’t give any of the songs away, for those of you reading this that will be in attendance, but it led to some great conversations about what a cool song would be to walk in to.  For one of my best friends, he’s really having difficulties figuring out the song that suits him to walk in to.  And the funny thing is, I CAN’T BLAME HIM!

Think about it, a song that defines who you are that will play for 5-10 seconds.  That’s TOUGH.  Luckily for me, my song was essentially easy to decide for Heather and I as a couple, but what about a song for me?  That really got me thinking, what would be the best intro song if I had to choose?  I went through a few, which was really fun.

This jumped out to me, simply because the song is AMAZING.  Also people may not have heard it for a while.  Feel free to just play it for a while and resume reading, go dance around if you’d like…I did.  But at the same time, damn that is INTENSE!  I don’t know if I could pull it off, which led me to the following.

Think about walking in to this song!  Attention grabbing, a classic song.  But at the same time… someone might take it as a political message, and then people might think of Audioslave, or worse, the lead singer’s solo work…yuck.  Also “Killing In the Name Of” would be fantastic as well, but, same answer as above.  Moving along!

Seriously, a classic.  This song combines the best rapper of all time and the artist formerly known as Snoop Dogg.  What’s not to love?  Only drawbacks, the swears, and it’s pretty gangsta.  Not sure I could pull it off.

Discussed today at work, my coworker brought up Zeppelin and all of their hits.  Hot damn she was right!

Pretty great song, really can’t argue it, except someone may bring up it’s a bit older.  That and I do like Zeppelin but I don’t want to be a poser and pretend I know every song of there’s…although I do have their album IV…and damn it’s great… but then you think of Stairway to Heaven and then time gets lost and you wake up the next day wondering what just happened.

And of course this one goes without saying:

Pretty fantastic.  But I feel I’d have to charge in, running with a sword or something.

Before this gets too long, a lot of WWF/E songs would work as well, but that may take up far too long, so I”ll just link to the best one…

Simply amazing.  Well that does it for me tonight, I’m going to write a few of these within the next few days.  The Baseball Hall of Fame is tomorrow, can’t wait to see who does/doesn’t get elected, so I’m gonna say it right now, as a warning, that most likely will be my next blog topic.  Read at your own risk…hey, it’s better than my planned column about how great pro wrestling is.

Jeff Kleeman

2 thoughts on “Allow Me to Introduce Myself

  1. OK Klee Dogg I respect a mans musical tastes but when I need motivation and I shadow box shirtless in my basement, these are my usually go to songs……in no particular order I must point out….. If NOT played @ your wedding u might as well give bk everyone’s gifts! FFWD to 2:07 Way better than the Osmands! Reppin the Arch! Like a Bad Car Wreck I cannot look away! I usually stand alone! My childhood idols

    Like a questionable highlight on a 41 year old man I am open to criticism.

    This is where I drop the mic for a theatrical exit! I’M O-U-T!


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