Mount Crushmore

With Wrestlemania weekend upon us, I thought I would finally do my long, much anticipated attempt at writing about professional wrestling.  I have liked this weird form of entertainment since I can remember.  One of my earliest memories is when the Mega Powers (Hogan and Savage) formed, terrorized Ted DiBiase and then broke up.
It then progressed to the toys, ice cream bars, wrestling mags, wrestling buddies, cards…and then it got uncool.  Then I had to secretly watch it, and not tell anyone, you would get chastised, because it was “fake”…then 1996 happened, and Steve Austin hit the scene, the NWO started and wrestling changed.  Suddenly it was “adult”, and it was cool.  I would walk in my high school Tuesday morning and people would be talking about Kevin Nash, nobody would ever admit to know who Kevin Nash was!  Super Shredder himself, now a household name.
So crazy.  They started becoming pop culture icons, celebs, The People’s Eyebrow was now a thing… it was insane!
As the years went by, it started to dip in popularity, but I would still check in from time to time.  It was no longer super embarrassing to like pro wrestling, it was just kind of embarrassing.  I would catch a Raw, or read up on what was going on. Then the “Summer of Punk” happened (if you don’t know, look it up, he basically broke the fourth wall, and if you’re a fan this was glorious) and it became kind of a thing again.  It was on ESPN, it became more realistic, to where now it’s not even kind of embarrassing anymore, it’s just a thing.
As any pro wrestling fan can tell you, liking it is the weirdest thing in the world…there’s really no explanation.  It’s kind of weird to bring up, especially to your significant other (thank god she finds it tolerable) and it gets hard to defend with so many negatives associated with it (deaths, steroids, murders, McMahon, more deaths)…but when it’s good, there is just nothing like it.  When it’s good, it’s dramatic.  It’s enjoyable.  And as anyone who I have dragged along to one of these events, it is by far one of the most fun, unique live experiences there is…just look at me here!
So for this article, I have enlisted my friend Mark Satrang of Pro Wrestling Examiner to debate a top 10 of the greatest wrestlers of the modern era.  Modern being the 80’s to current day.  We will each go back and forth on our top ten and after you finish this article, treat yourself and get to Mark’s website: Mark Satrang Knows Wrestling!
Enjoy this article and if anyone reading this wants to come watch Wrestlemania this weekend…party at my house!  To avoid confusion, Mark’s comments will be in BOLD and mine will be in what you’re reading now…enjoy!
Mark: First off I’m impressed that Mr. Kleeman and I agreed on eight of the same ten for the “ultimate top 10.”  It shows we have great taste, think alike and are huge nerds. Kudos.
Jeff: Thanks Mark!  Let’s get started.


1. Hulk Hogan

There is no one else who can possibly be in the number one spot for me.  Nobody.  A few years ago, WWE made a list and he wasn’t even in the top 10…he was 23rd… which we can all agree was complete garbage.
Hogan made wrestling mainstream.  He slammed Andre the Giant.  Formed the Super Powers with Randy Savage.  Starred in many awful movies (Suburban Commando!).  Said prayers.  Ate vitamins.  Transitioned to NWO leader.  Killed WCW with Hall and Nash in real life.  Biggest wrestler in history.  End of story.
Also he has the one identifiable trait with the top person…when you think of wrestling, who do you think of?  Definitely not Haku.  Not Buff Bagwell.  You’re thinking Hulk Hogan, brother.
1. Stone Cold Steve Austin
I could go back and forth all day between Hogan and Austin. A WWE Mt. Rushmore would have to contain Sammartino, Hogan, Austin and Cena. I just liked Austin that much better. I believe he made more money in his short time on top than Hogan did during his first run and made pro wrestling so cool. I mean Vince McMahon even gave him his stamp of approval by coming out from behind the curtain and inducting Austin personally into the Hall of Fame.


2. Ric Flair
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  The most pro athlete-friendly wrestler on this list (his promos are now quoted word for word in locker rooms).
One of the best talkers, WOOOOOOO, of all time.  One of the best rasslers, WOOO, of all time. Icon WOOOOOOO.  Leader of the best faction in history, the 4 Horseman.  Only thing keeping him from number 1 is just how big Hogan is/was.  Flair will always be the Frazier to Hogan’s Ali.  I would put up a Youtube clip of Flair, but if you’re a regular visitor to my site, you’ve seen one in every single blog I’ve posted…
2. Hulk Hogan
Hogan gets the deuce because on a personal level though, I just hated Hogan as a kid. I was always a Warrior guy growing up. But there is no denying the true star he is. He equals pro wrestling to most people worldwide. Beating Iron Sheik made him. Pinning Andre solidified him. Jumping to WCW woke up the pro wrestling industry. And creating the nWo changed the wrestling world forever, and helped even the hot chicks in high school wearing pro wrestling t-shirts.
3. Stone Cold Steve Austin
The biggest star in the Attitude Era.  Which apparently is now the holy grail of wrestling history. Amazing catch phrases, best finisher in history and as soon as the glass broke, deafening crowd noise.
Won numerous championships and helped carry the company, when quite honestly, there were maybe 2 or 3 people even capable of matching up with him.  The only thing that kept him from the top of the list?  Injuries.  His rise to stardom happened so quick, he was the Limp Bizkit or Lindsay Lohan of professional wrestlers.  Exploded on the scene, had some huge hits for a few years, then boom, done.
3. Ric Flair
Wooooo! He was the coolest guy in every room until The Rock showed. His promos are still quotable to this day, and he is a walking embodiment of the 1980’s. He was the antithesis to Hulk Hogan and could out-wrestle anyone in the world when he was at this best. And for the next few months he is still the most decorated World Champion in history, at least until John Cena ties that record. (shudder)
4. The Rock
The most successful wrestler outside of the ring in history.  An A list actor.  The most charismatic performer ever.  During the attitude era it was him and Austin trading top spot status, which helped the WWE luck in to their success more than anything.  If their two top dawgs were Mideon and Viscera WCW would be king of the world right now.  There would “The Destruction of WWF/E” documentaries.
Easily if he had stayed, biggest wrestler of all time.  But hurting his body 4-5 a week or filming G.I. Joe sequels is a pretty easy call…if you smell what I’m cooking (sorry, had to).
4. Shawn Michaels
I could listen to the argument of any of the top three being in the number one spot. But Shawn Michaels has the clean up spot all to himself. He could wrestle like Flair, cut foul-mouthed promos like Austin and could be a hero like to fans like Hogan. He didn’t draw the money like the others did, but he could fly, he could brawl, he could wrestle and he could talk. His comeback in the 2000’s was literally stuff of miracles and the WrestleMania XXV match at Undertaker will forever my all-time favorite match; the match I show either non-fans or people who was stopped watched wrestling.
5. Shawn Michaels
The best (or second…ask Bret Hart) best “wrestler” on this list.  Started off as part of a popular tag group called The Rockers, which ultimately led to the coolest “break up” in history.
Catapulted to the top of the mid card for a while, gradually climbing the ladder (I fell in to this wonderful play on words) to have one of the best matches of all time with Razor Ramon.
After that, great match after great match.  Mr. Wrestlemania.  The Heartbreak Kid.  Carried the company until Austin mania took over.  Took a VERY long break after that, came back, didn’t miss a beat.  Finished with two of the biggest Wrestlemania matches of all time.  Did pose for Playgirl though….also I love how me and Mark just flip flopped on the 4-5 spots.
5. The Rock
Other than Hogan (and Benoit for all the wrong reasons), Rock is arguably the most famous name in pro wrestling history. He was the coolest mother trucker in the room and could turn literally anything into a catchphrase. Even when he walks back to WWE he immediately elevates the show and proves how far above the rest of the roster he still is.
6. Bret Hart
The Best There Ever Is, The Best There Ever Was, The Best There Ever Will Be… in sixth.  Like Michaels, started off in a tag team with his zany brother in law Jim “the Anvil” Neidhart.  Made pink and black cool and, let’s not lie, every kid wanted his sunglasses when we were growing up.
Easily, and there’s no argument, part of the biggest wrestling story of all time.  The Montreal Screwjob, which changed the course of wrestling history forever.  This is where Hart doesn’t move up on this list.  After leaving, he never really had “it” again.  Whether it was WCW being run by idiots, or if it was Hart himself struggling with the change, he became stagnant, ultimately ending with a concussion from Goldberg, which ended his career (or should’ve ended his career, that Wrestlemania match with McMahon was…god awful).
6. Bret “Hit Man” Hart
Full disclosure, Bret Hart was my favorite wrestler growing up. I loved the Hart Foundation and was stoked when he won the Intercontinental Title in the summer of 1991. And the first live event I ever saw was Hart challenging Yokozuna for the WWF Title inside a cage in Sioux City, Iowa in the fall of 1993. Barring how his later career turned out and his f-ing awful WCW run, Hart will always hold a special place in my heart.
7. Undertaker
COOLEST GIMMICK EVER!  Undefeated Wrestlemania streak…until Brock Lesnar of course (still not happy with that decision, but whatever).  The most up and down career at the beginning though.  Would start feuding with Hogan, Sid Vicious and Jake Roberts, then get fed to Kamala, Giant Gonzalez or a bizarro Undertaker.  Hit his stride after that, even with an ill fated biker gimmick.  Even helped Glen Jacobs, a wrestler stuck with crap gimmicks get a good one as Kane, his evil brother (I could write a great blog on all his hilarious stories through the years).
Bottom line, top 10 finish for ‘Taker and I didn’t even get in to how cool Paul Bearer was.  I see you agree Mark.
7. The Undertaker
The greatest gimmick ever. He turned a one-note gimmick that could’ve went the way of The Berzerker and Skinner and turned into one of the WWE’s greatest creations. He symbolically took the title of WWE’s “phenom” from Superfly Jimmy Snuka at WrestleMania VII but transferred that into a 25-year career that is unmatched. He is the standard bearer and measuring stick of WWE and started to have just insanely phenomenal matches in the twilight of his career when the level of talent finally allowed for it.
8. Macho Man Randy Savage
My favorite wrestler of all time.  So am I biased to put him on this list?  Well, he won the title during Hogan’s heyday.  Was part of the most unstoppable team in history, the Mega Powers. Made female valets a cool thing.  Every promo was a must watch.  And easily had the coolest gear in wrestling history.  Doesn’t move higher on this list due to a few reasons.  Didn’t have enough title wins, was pushed back a lot, took some time off to do announcing when he more than likely could’ve had some good rivalries (a Shawn Michaels one was discussed, never happened).
Was my first live experience versus Ric Flair in Sioux City, IA.  Something I will never forget.  RIP.
8. “Macho Man” Randy Savage
I know how big of an impact Macho Man had on people when I had calls and texts from people all day when he died in 2011. His impact has grown even more in his death and has become a pop culture icon. As a little kid, my favorite move in the living room was the elbow drop off the corner of a couch. But like Kleeman said, he was always like #2 or #3 behind someone more pushed or more popular, whether it was WWE or WCW.
9. John Cena
The newest name on this list.  U Can’t See Him.  I hate him, he’s a Hogan rip off basically.  He refuses to turn heel, which would easily be the coolest thing for him to do.  He wears jorts. JORTS!!!
At the same time he has won the title 5,000 times.  He has helped carry the roster when the Miz was the number 2 person on the roster… the Miz people!  Has won the title about as much as he has given wishes to Make A Wish kids and that’s in the thousands as I previously pointed out, to top it off, he has a Bella (the one with the implants).  John Cena wins…he always does.
9. Andre the Giant
Speaking of cultural icons, we have Andre the Giant. They don’t make them like that anymore. Big Show doesn’t hold a candle to Andre and only Undertaker rivals his pure “essence” or “aura.” This is obviously a personal pick and a personal favorite of mine, and every time I see him on WWE Network it makes me nostalgic for a day gone by.
10. Triple H
The internet hates him.  “Smart” fans hate him more.  Rewritten history puts him at the top of the Attitude Era stars.  But that would be false.  He highly benefited from his opponents.  If there was no Mankind, Stone Cold, The Rock he would not be on this list.  On the flip side, one of the best workers during that time.  Carried DX after Shawn Michaels left, carried the show when Stone Cold and The Rock were gone, even had a great match with Taka Michinoku…yes, that Taka Michinoku.  For all his talk of holding back stars, he helped elevate Randy Orton and Batista to main event with Evolution.  Dudes done it all, and now he’s running the company.
He has numerous championships and they don’t just give those to anyone (…okay Great Khali once).  He deserves top 10 status.  Maybe winner of this match this weekend gets number 10 Mark?
10. Sting
“The Franchise.” “The Icon.” The face of World Championship Wrestling and the answer to Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior and The Macho Man all rolled into one. He was the coolest MFer in the ‘90s with the sweet spiked top, neon gear and rocking face paint. He then reinvented himself into The Crow and prolonged his career into something that is remarkably still going in 2015. I was always a WWF guy growing up, but Sting was something else, man.
Missed the cut:
Mick Foley:
Multi time champion, one of the most iconic wrestlers of all time, who just happens to have the most iconic moment of the Attitude Era, if not in wrestling history.  Had the talent to put over 3 different characters (4 if you include himself).  Made hardcore mainstream.
After Flair, the face of WCW (don’t let this Triple H/Sting feud fool ya).  After being almost a clone of his old tag team partner, The Ultimate Warrior, was able to change to a clone of the Crow and make that work for damn near 20 years.
During wrestlings late 90’s heyday there was only one question: Austin or Goldberg?  That’s how big Goldberg was then.  Undefeated streak.  Sold out arenas, made even more impressive for how limited he was.
Andre the Giant:
Unquestionably in the top 10 if you’re looking at icons/recognizable names.  You can utter his name in public settings as a pro wrestling fan and not get death stares for bringing up pro wrestling.  Technically never won the title (ask Ted DiBiase), which knocks him out of the top 10.
Ultimate Warrior:
The heir apparent to Hogan…but then he went and messed it all up.  One of the most popular wrestlers during that time for his high energy, cool look and awesome song.  Only won one title, with the rest being failed comebacks.
Chris Jericho:
First undisputed champion after the WWE/WCW merger.  Multi-time champion.  Coolest intro of all time and best debut by any wrestler you will ever….everrrrrr see.
Kurt Angle:
Olympic hero Kurt Angle!  Fasted transition to a main eventer for anyone in history with that background.  Could have easily become a rich mans Shelton Benjamin, turned in to a poor mans Shawn Michaels.
Mark’s Honorable Mentions:

Triple H…Yeah what Kleeman said…

John Cena…Totally forgot about him until Kleeman mentioned him. He’s definitely #11 and will certainly be a Top 10 guy by the time we really can’t see him…


Rowdy Roddy Piper…The Joker to Hulk Hogan’s Batman…Everyone worth their salt in the thirty years since have aped his promo skills…


Terry Funk…”Middle Aged and Crazy” has reinvented himself numerous times over the past 30 years…competitive in-ring NWA Champion, unpredictable villain, reinvented hardcore star that helped put ECW on the map…


Dusty Rhodes…While much of his success came in the ‘70s, he was the top star of the NWA through the ‘80s and could literally talk fans into buildings, even if he looked like your neighbor’s uncle…


Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat…The best pure “babyface” in history…The man was so good at selling for villains, he could sell a ketchup popsicle to a man in white gloves…

9643 - eddie_guerrero pointing promotional_image smiling wwe wwe_championship

Eddie Guerrero…The baby of a wrestling legacy, he was the best pure athlete of the family and had more charisma than the rest combined…this represents the spot for all the ‘90s super indy athletes of the time, like Jericho, Benoit, Malenko and others…


“Mr. Perfect” Curt Hennig…Hennig represents all the late ‘80s, early ‘90s athletes of the day that hit the ‘glass ceiling’ under Hogan…see Rude, Martel, Davey Boy, Von Erich and others…


Well Mark, I’m quite pleased with this list, I’m sure some people will be upset with the order, or who we left off, but these types of lists are always up for debate.  There’s some who probably think Virgil should be on here…most likely Virgil himself. Also after seeing that picture of Mr. Perfect, how have they not had a storyline where Dolph Ziggler is his natural son…look at that picture!  They are DROPPING THE BALL!

As always, thanks for reading.  Mark, maybe next time top most underrated of all time?  Maybe top 10 Tag Teams of all?!?! I already have number one selected.


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