Jefflix Top 10 Movies

I”ll spare you a lame opener.  I feel like ranking my top 10 favorite movies, so that’s just what I’m going to do.  I love movies, that is quite known among my friends and family.  We even used to play a crazy variation of the “6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon”.

Instead of just connecting Kevin Bacon, we would try to get from The Rock to Rock Hudson within 6 steps.  Not as hard as you’d think.

Movies are great, movies are awesome…I really love a few things more than movies (my wife, music, pro wrestling and fantasy football just to name a few).

With that being said, let’s get in to this list, but first, I’d like to start with some that just missed my top 10…

This is the best horror movie ever made.  I don’t even care if you agree.  You can make the argument the first Friday the 13th is up there, it is.  Nightmare on Elm Street was a cool idea, it’s good for it’s time, but it doesn’t reach this movie, not even close.  Also how creepy is Michael Myers?

No!  Not that Michael Myers, this one!

Who knew a William Shatner mask could be so frightening.  This movie is great, it has boobs (we all knew I was going to say that), it’s legit creepy and it has the best horror movie theme song of all time.

Greatest horror movie ever, just not top 10 material.  Next!

One of the greatest comedies of all time.  If you don’t like this movie, you probably aren’t reading my site, because it’s amazing.  Also Steve Martin is a genius, who else can make this funny?

So many one liners and great jokes,I love this movie.  So many amazing scenes, I can’t just choose one, so just go watch it.

It doesn’t make my top 10, it’s actually the closest near miss.  But it does have one of the best quotes in movie history:

So seriously, just go watch this now.

Ever had that moment you went to a movie with your friends and you knew you were watching something significant?  This movie was it for us.  It had quotes galore.  It had pre-famous Emma Stone.  Seth Rogen and Bill Hader are amazing and you couldn’t ask for two better leads than Jonah Hill and Michael Cera.

This gif is the least funny part of the movie and it’s hilarious.

This movie was so good, my house of 7 total roommates, I believe 5 of us bought the movie the day it came out.  I still have mine, and don’t even get me started on how amazing McLovin is.

Amazing movie, and one of the best theater experiences I had.

This movie is the shit.  Plain and simple.  Arnold is badass….but oddly not as badass as Linda Hamilton.

Before James Cameron was “King of the World” he was making awesome movies about terminators taking over the world and making Arnold the coolest dude on the planet.

I have probably seen this movie more than 100 times, but sadly, does not make my top 10.  And stop with the sequels!

Rick Moranis is god.  I don’t even care what anyone says.  Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, Ghostbusters, and Little Giants.  Hell yeah.  He is amazing in this, just look!

John Candy and jokes about the Schwartz.  I still quote this movie to this day, simply because every time I see a comb I think of this.

So go watch this, it should be on Netflix, if not you can borrow it from me, but GIVE IT BACK!

Wes Anderson is easily in my top 5 favorite directors.  I know this only because my friend Karl asked me who my top 5 were, and it was really easy to include Anderson.  All of his movies have a specific feel to them.  They are really quirky and all of them have this in common, they are GOOD.

Also it was only one of three times I haven’t hated a Gwenyth Paltrow movie (one is Iron Man, the other is later on this list).

The cast is also amazing.  A non annoying Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Bill f’ing Murray, a still relevant Danny Glover and the most underrated actor ever, Gene Hackman.

Awesome movie, go check it out.

This is the second best sequel ever made (Godfather 2, duh).  Also it’s the best of the Star Wars movies, especially for the reveal in it.  Spoiler alert, they are related!

I love this movie, in fact it was in my top 10 list up until a few weeks ago when I watched the original trilogy again.  You know what I noticed?  It’s still a great movie, but Luke is a whiny bitch.

He’s super mean to Yoda until he realizes he’s important.  He’s mean to all of his friends who have saved his life.  He immediately disregards his family and friends who have died.  Oh and he kissed his sister.  80’s hot Carrie Fischer.

Creep.  But Harrison Ford is the shit.  My wife wants to name our next dog Chewie…as we should and what is not to love about R2D2?

And now off to the top 10.  Probably the weirdest top 10 list you will ever see, but I don’t care, it’s my list.


I love Big Fish.  Big Fish is awesome.  Tim Burton is great.  Ewan McGregor is the shit.

I hope my kids believe all my stories, without all the hating me until I die stuff like in this movie.  Fingers crossed!


Will Ferrell was awesome, he still has some hits now and then, but that time frame nobody could touch him.  Also Steve Carrell and Paul Rudd got huge after this movie.  I heard Ant Man was good and all, but Paul Rudd should do more of this, less superhero stuff.

It’s one of the few movies you can watch repeatedly and not tire of.  Or quote..or 11 years straight.  Which we’ve done.  And it’s just random as hell, and those movies are the best. Just have fun.



I would like to thank my mom for taking me to Wayne’s World when I was 9.  You’re the best mom!  I had no idea what Ribbed for Her Pleasure meant…I still don’t….

It’s quotable and easily one of the most rewatchable movies ever made.  And it brought back Queen!

Awesome movie.


I saw this three times in the theaters.  I was 12, again, thanks mom!  This is before Jim Carrey got weird, anti vaccine and creepy on Emma Stone. This was 1994 Jim Carrey!

He was the Mask, he was Ace Ventura, he was about to be Truman!  Also Jeff Daniels is underrated as all hell.

One of the best comedies ever made.  And easily the pinnacle for Jim Carrey.


You know what I’m watching if I’m flipping through channels and see what’s on?  This.  Hell I’ll even watch 12.  The movies are so watchable and fun.  George Clooney is probably my favorite actor.  Brad Pitt is the shit.  And…

Great movie.  Caught Julia Roberts right at the end of hotness and helped inspire my groups Rat Pack.  Fun stuff.


Nicholson.  Keaton (the best Batman, suck it) and Tim Burton (for the second time on this list!?)  In 1989, 7 year old Jeff was running around, pretending to be Batman and getting really awkward with a pillow playing the role of Kim Basinger.

I have watched this movie approximately 300 times.  Listened to the Prince song just as much.  And again, will stand by this, The Dark Knight trilogy has no equal, best super hero trilogy ever.  BUT.  I enjoy this Batman more AND Michael Keaton is the best Batman ever.

Sorry Adam West, but for shits and giggles, here is Adam West.

Next movie!


As an 80’s kid, this was our holy grail.  Everybody wanted to be a Goonie.  Or find some treasure.  Also their song was the SHIT.

It made me like Baby Ruth’s.  Made me afraid of manly older women.  And really made me like Oregon.

Also every time I throw a coin in the water I think someone will steal my wish.  Jerks.


I modeled my entire life after this guy.  For better or worse.  Plus this quote man!

This movie is great, I can probably watch it on repeat for an entire day and not be tired of it.  Matthew Broderick used to be the shit.  We all wanted our own Sloan and Cameron…well we all had a Cameron.

I love this movie….what can possibly be ahead of it!?


Quentin Tarantino’s best movie.  By far.  And all of his movies are awesome…even you Jackie Brown.

This movie is so unique, so different from anything I have ever seen.  It ends in the middle.  It shows you what happened in the middle at the end.  It made Sam Jackson a star.  It made Travolta cool again.  It made me have a crush on Uma Thurman from age 12 to age 13.

And every time I get a shake and it approaches $5, I think to myself “This better be a good fucking shake”.  Oh and this scene:

Everything about this is amazing.  But what do I like more!?  What could possibly be number 1!?


My favorite movie of all time is about a serial killer committing the seven deadly sins!?  Yes, yes it is, here’s why!

The twist at the end.  Yes.  First time I was every shocked by a movie.  I watched with with my uncle’s at the ripe old age of 14.  And I remember it was the first time I ever dropped the F bomb around any family member.  The scene is that crazy.

It’s also Pitt’s first amazing movie that he headlined by himself.  He also had the best supporting star in our TIME in Morgan Freeman.  Add in a super creepy Kevin Spacey, a tolerable Gwenyth and a killer soundtrack, well damn, you win.

David Fincher is a kickass director (even Alien 3 is good…haters).  So yes, Se7en is my favorite movie of all time.  At least all those comedies doesn’t make me look to crazy, right!?

Thanks for reading, and as usual, if you’d like to add your own list or talk movies, go ahead and comment on here.  Anyone can comment, even the really “religious” guy who called me an idiot in a former post.  Go suck a fat one jerk, but hey, freedom of speech.

Til next time….

Jeff Kleeman

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