Inner Voice: Part 3

Imagine my surprise last night, checking on my blog numbers, when I see that a post of mine from April, Inner Voice: Part Deux, is getting an oddly insane amount of views (100 in a day?  WTF).  Why?  I’m really not sure.  You can see for yourself here.

So why not roll with it, and do part 3 today?  Seems like a great idea, right?  Let’s do this!

6:38 AM: Wake up from a dream that I’m playing Super Nintendo with Kevin Durant and Carmelo Anthony.

6:39 AM: Go back to sleep, hoping dream continues to see what game we were gonna play.  Hoping it was Star Fox!

7:40 AM: Awake, and sadly will never find out what game we were gonna play.  Sigh.  Time for work.

7:50 AM: On this day 3 years ago, I had my first date with my now wife, I proposed one year after that.  This year, maybe pizza and a movie!?  What to do!?  Shower thoughts.

7:55 AM: Kiss lovely wife goodbye. Three years!  Insane.

8:10 AM: Anyone that wants Donald Trump to be president should go castrate themselves.

8:13 AM: Seriously, anyone this childish and idiotic should not be president.

8:14 AM: “No, YOU’RE AN IDIOT” – Donald Trump’s possible reply to that statement.  Idiot.

8:16 AM: Republican party is in deep trouble.  Quick who is not evil here?  Anyone?  Jeb!?  Rubio!?

8:20 AM: Good, no more politics on the news, I’m done for the day on politics…hopefully.

8:31 AM: Ever wondered, “I sure would like to watch the news, but there’s no attractive anchors”!  CBS has you covered with Norah O’ Donnell, so there you go.

8:32 AM: Plus they have Charlie Rose!  CBS for the win.

8:34 AM: You think either of those two are someone’s hall pass?  Wouldn’t that be the weirdest shit?  Brad Pitt or Charlie Rose?

8:38 AM: Time to go to work.  Monday’s just…they aren’t fun.  We can all agree on that.

8:43 AM: Leave home, shut garage door…or do I?

8:45 AM: Drive by house to make sure.  Anyone else do that once or twice a month like I do?

8:52 AM: Listening to Mike and Mike discuss this weekend in sports, but why is Cris Carter on all the time?  It’s not Mike and Mike and Cris.  And he’s borderline stupid with half the stuff he says.  I don’t get it?

9:14 AM: I won fantasy football yesterday!!!  I am 2-6.  I am oddly happy about this.

9:20 AM: Far too nice to be working, says everybody, every single day.  #employedpeopleproblems

9:43 AM: Have you seen this man?  He needs to pee.

10:00 AM: It’s only 10…

10:34 AM: Blast from the past on the radio…beats hearing Justin Bieber’s crap for the thousandth time.

10:50 AM: People are still clicking my last Inner Voice blog.  From April.  Again, wtf?

10:55 AM: And Justin Bieber is now on the radio.  Has there ever been this big of a piece of shit doing music?

10:57 AM: Thinking no.

11:01 AM: Well…..

11:08 AM: Anyone notice that this song:

Sounds exactly like this song until the chorus?

11:15 AM: I listen to the radio at work, it’s all I have because if I used Pandora or Spotify, my computer would explode.  So don’t judge me on my knowledge of crappy pop music.

11:31 AM: Just looked for the poop emoji on my phone for about 5 minutes.  I’m 33.

11:35 AM: Had coworker send me the poop emoji, just so I can copy and paste it.

11:38 AM: Sent the poop emoji basically so it goes in my favorites and I never have to look again.  This is 33.

11:58 AM: Time for a meeting at work.  If people at work read this, it doesn’t really matter at this point anyway, these meetings are not my idea of a good time.

12:10 PM: Free Panera is always a good thing.

12:18 PM: Being designated leader of the group is a bad thing.

12:48 PM: My having the worst handwriting in the world should typically get me out of writing anything.  But that is just not happening today.

1:30 PM: This meeting should be done by now…

1:35 PM: Still not done.

1:50 PM: Ahhhhhh.  Done.

2:15 PM: I’m at the point in my life, where I question why I’m drinking a Barq’s root beer.  It’s not awful, it’s just not the top choice of root beer drinkers.

2:18 PM: Debate, A&W is still king of the root beers.  After that is Mug, then after that is Barq’s.  Also Barq’s needs to update the logo.  It’s just not doing it for me.

2:47 PM: Ever not wanted to get up and go to the bathroom, just because you don’t want to walk or talk to anyone?  I’m there.

2:50 PM: Damn you Barq’s, should’ve drank you slower!

3:14 PM: Meeting two today.  “I just can’t even….” – anonymous

4:11 PM: Vernon Davis traded!?!?!

4:13 PM: Texts coming in about Vernon Davis.  I’m gonna need a few minutes.

4:32 PM: So people in Kansas City are getting school called off because the Royals won the World Series.  People in the San Francisco area should just get a week off to mourn the death of the 49’ers.

4:39 PM: I’m writing a power ranking for NFL teams, it’ll be out Wednesday, the 9’ers section may be what I like to call “irate”.

4:47 PM: Christmas commercials already.  Seriously.  It’s the beginning of November.  No way the Christmas station is going already?

4:58 PM: Just asked, it starts next week.  Fa la la la la laaaaaaaa!

5:13 PM: Met with someone and the first thing they said to me is “I really like your floors here.”  That’s my day in a nutshell.

5:25 PM: I don’t know why, but this gif perfectly sums up my day.

5:50 PM: I hate Meghan Trainor.  If there was an F, Marry, Kill with her, Miley and Kim Kardashian.  I would just let that dynamite finish the job.

5:59 PM: I’m done for the workday, screw it you win Christmas music.  Listen to Mele Kalikimaka and get in the holiday spirit!  I may add more to this later.

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